Harnessing the Synergy between Canadian and Quebec IT and AI Sectors: Strategies and Opportunities for Foreign Companies

Harnessing the Synergy between Canadian and Quebec IT and AI Sectors: Strategies and Opportunities for Foreign Companies

WHEN: April 13 (Thursday), 2023 at 9 am EST (Montreal / Toronto time zone)

WHERE: Zoom webinar

TARGET AUDIENCE: Established foreign companies

During this exclusive webinar, we will delve into the thriving Canadian and Quebec IT and AI sectors. You will learn about the exciting developments in machine learning, natural language processing, robotics, and cybersecurity as well as discover valuable insights to help your business compete in the industry.

The program is designed to equip foreign companies with knowledge and expertise to identify mutually beneficial partnerships and opportunities in the Canadian ecosystem.


  • Overview of the Canadian and Quebec IT and AI Landscape

Current trends and innovations in the Canadian and Quebec IT and AI sectors
Impact of government initiatives, funding, and policy supports for AI and IT research and development
Prominent research institutions, such as the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR), the Montreal Institute for Algorithms (MILA), and the Vector Institute
Success stories of Canadian AI startups like Osedea, 247 Labs Inc.,  I Can Infotech, Robots & Pencils, The AppLabb

  • Opportunities for Collaboration and Investment

Identifying and connecting with key stakeholders in the Canadian AI and IT ecosystem, such as universities, research institutions, incubators, and government agencies
Exploring joint research projects and co-development opportunities
Opportunities to engage in knowledge exchange, learning from Canada’s strong academic and research commitments
Access to talent and resources: hiring skilled professionals and acquiring cutting-edge technology from the Canadian IT and AI sectors

  • Navigating Challenges in the Canadian AI and IT Market

Understanding the competitive landscape and key players in the Canadian AI and IT industries
Catering to Canadian market needs and differentiating your offerings
Adapting to rigorous intellectual property, privacy, and data management regulations in Canada
Overcoming cultural and linguistic barriers when conducting business

  • Case studies: Successful  Partnerships and Collaborations

Analyzing examples of successful foreign companies that have established a presence in the Canadian AI and IT market
Lessons learned from these collaborations and key factors contributing to success

  • Strategies for Business Expansion and Market Entry

Identifying the right Canadian city, province, or region for your business operations
Visa, taxation, and regulatory considerations for foreign companies entering the Canadian market
Making informed decisions on investment, merger, and acquisitions opportunities
Leveraging Canada’s strong startup incubators to accelerate business growth, such as MaRS Discovery District, TandemLaunch, and Creative Destruction Lab


Marina Belskikh, researcher and business development consultant

Dominique Pion, Quebec Laywer

By the end of this comprehensive webinar, you will be well-equipped with valuable knowledge, strategies, and insights on how to effectively engage with the Canadian and Quebec IT and AI sectors. Foreign companies can significantly benefit from these lucrative opportunities, fostering long-term growth and opening doors to innovative collaborations in the global market.

For more information and registration, please contact

Alex Grichine via email alex@cerbanet.org or tel. +7 (985) 762 1240


Marina Belskikh via email mbelskikh@internationalbda.com or tel. +1 (514) 516 1178

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